The HighPi Pro 5S Case for Raspberry Pi 5 continues the HighPi case line, offering ease of use, flexible configuration, and attractive design. It embraces the upgrades found on the Pi5 board, namely its active cooler, power button, and PCIe port. Lots of space is available for HATs, such as power over ethernet, NVMe storage, or UPS backup boards.
We were very impressed with the Active Cooler that launched with the Pi5, so it was made central in our design. Along with the Pi5 and Active Cooler boards, the case can additionally hold:
- PoE HATs
- Any HAT not requiring input/output ports, up to 14.5mm tall (on top of Active Cooler with 16mm standoffs)
If not using the Active Cooler, then the case can accommodate oversized heatsinks or cooling solutions, or any HAT up to 30.5mm above the Pi PCB that does not require input/output ports.
- NEW powerful and controlled cooling using the Raspberry Pi Active Cooler and optimized case vents
- NEW power button and external status LED visibility
- NEW camera cable slot above ethernet to connect to external cameras
- NEW secure microSD card cover that is removable from inside the case, and is stored underneath the lid when not in use
- Industry-leading ease of use, rapid tool-free assembly and disassembly
- Large internal volume for HATs, break-out boards, or heat sinks
- VESA or wall-mounting via optional VESA mount kit
- GPIO ribbon cable port
- Self-adhesive rubber feet, set of 4
If you have a project that requires 1000+ cases, customization of the case to provide input/output ports above the HDMI ports are likely possible. Examples of this include DAC HATs for audio players, serial HATs, or other I/O devices. Custom branding with your logo is also possible. Contact us for more information.
This case is one of the easiest in the market to assemble and disassemble, no tools are required and yet all components are held securely. To assemble the Pi board and case, follow these simple steps:
- Install the Active Cooler, Real Time Clock, and any other desired add-on boards/HATs on the Raspberry Pi
- Slide the Raspberry Pi board into the front of the case, so that the USB-C and microHDMI ports go into their positions
- Press down on the back of the Raspberry Pi board to snap it into the case
- Insert the right edge of the lid into the case, then snap down the left side
You're done! To remove the lid and Raspberry Pi, simply:
- Remove the lid by pushing gently on the bump under the hexagon vents, and then pushing upward
- Remove the Raspberry Pi board by pulling the snap that secures the board outward without your finger
Made in China with ABS Plastic
External dimensions: 101 x 67 x 42mm
Internal volume for breakout boards: 85 x 56 x 30.5mm
Dimensional Drawing
Lustran 433 Material Sheet
Lustran 433 Certification Sheet
Perfectly Done
Praesent ornare, ex a interdum consectetur, lectus diam sodales elit, vitae egestas est enim ornare nisl. Nullam in lectus nec sem semper viverra. In lobortis egestas massa. Nam nec massa nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Quisque suscipit vulputate dui quis volutpat. Ut id elit facilisis, feugiat est in, tempus lacus. Ut ultrices dictum metus, a ultricies ex vulputate ac. Ut id cursus tellus, non tempor quam. Morbi porta diam nisi, id finibus nunc tincidunt eu.
Fusce vitae nibh mi. Integer posuere, libero et ullamcorper facilisis, enim eros tincidunt orci, eget vestibulum sapien nisi ut leo. Cras finibus vel est ut mollis. Donec luctus condimentum ante et euismod.
Fresh Design
Integer bibendum aliquet ipsum, in ultrices enim sodales sed. Quisque ut urna vitae lacus laoreet malesuada eu at massa. Pellentesque nibh augue, pellentesque nec dictum vel, pretium a arcu. Duis eu urna suscipit, lobortis elit quis, ullamcorper massa.
Fabolous Sound
Cras rutrum, nibh a sodales accumsan, elit sapien ultrices sapien, eget semper lectus ex congue elit. Nullam dui elit, fermentum a varius at, iaculis non dolor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Inteligent Bass
Fusce vitae nibh mi. Integer posuere, libero et ullamcorper facilisis, enim eros tincidunt orci, eget vestibulum sapien nisi ut leo. Cras finibus vel est ut mollis. Donec luctus condimentum ante et euismod.
Battery Life
Integer bibendum aliquet ipsum, in ultrices enim sodales sed. Quisque ut urna vitae lacus laoreet malesuada eu at massa. Pellentesque nibh augue, pellentesque nec dictum vel, pretium a arcu. Duis eu urna suscipit, lobortis elit quis, ullamcorper massa.